What is an Instagram influencer?
Instagram is one of the top social media platforms, along with YouTube and TikTok. People all around the world share photos and stories almost daily and it is no surprise that some of those users took to this app to upload lifestyle, fashion, sports, videogames and all other types of content. So what is an Instagram influencer and how are they different from other users on the app? Influencers as their name entails have influence over other people, they can make hundreds of people try out a product because they’ve tried it out.
These are people who have a good track record and their audience believes in them. Instagram influencers generally have a big following, starting usually at 10k and in the words of Cady Heron “the limit does not exist.” Influencers like regular Instagram users upload content, except maybe with more frequency and with a clear intention, to get their audience to use or buy a product they endorse as part of their lifestyle.
Why do brands need Instagram Influencers?
Influencers on this app tend to do better than those on other social media platforms because of the high engagement rate Instagram provides. With a 3.21% engagement rate Instagram users are more likely to comment, like and share the posts they see. Making it key for brands to start promoting their products on the app. Instagram is plagued with many different ways in which a brand can use Influencer Marketing to its favor.
Ads can be featured as Instagram Stories with direct links to the products the influencer is promoting. Brands can also look into using in feed photos and videos to generate brand awareness and even IGTV videos which is the platforms long video format. If users really like the post they can share it on their stories or send it to a friend increasing the reach and awareness a product or service can have.Companies aren’t the only ones wanting to work with influencers, politicians such as Michale Bloomberg are hopping in on the trend, because they know these people are key to deliver across a specific message.
The importance of trust
Then why is it that Instagram sponsored posts work so well? Why is it users like, comment and share that picture posted by their favorite influencer? The answer is a beautiful 5 letter word called trust. That influencer is trusted by its followers because they share everything from the moment they wake up to the moment they go to bed, these are regular people living regular lives. Their success and the one of the brands that partner up with them is thanks to authenticity.
It is of vital importance for product recommendations to be genuine. For example if you’re a makeup company that isn’t cruelty free then don’t look to team up with influencers who are advocates to the cruelty free movement. More than likely they’ll reject the partnership because it could be detrimental to their own brand. If both the company and the influencer make the mistake of teaming up when they’re clearly incompatible then the sponsorship won’t be authentic and their followers will know and wont resonate with the message the brand is trying to convey, making the whole partnership a flop.
Companies need to do good research when deciding who to work with. They should check their post to see what their content and brand might be like and if they align with them. They should check the amount of followers, likes and comments per post and even go so far as to use an engagement calculator. Or they can contact Influencer Marketing experts to target the perfect creators for the brand.
Top 10 Instagram Creators: Based on engagement and following
- Cristiano Ronaldo (@cristiano): 204 million followers
- Ariana Grande (@arianagrande): 175 million followers
- Selena Gomez (@selenagomez): 168 million followers
- Kylie Jenner (@kyliejenner): 163 million followers
- Kim Kardashian (@kimkardashian): 160 million followers
- Leo Messi (@leomessi): 143 million followers
- Beyoncé (@beyonce): 141 million followers
- Kendall Jenner (@kendalljenner): 123 million followers
- Zendaya (@zendaya): 65.7 million followers
- Billie Eilish (@billieeilish): 54 million followers